February 19, 2025

Juz 13

Summary of JUZ-13

This summary of the thirteenth juzz  covers Surah Yusuf ayah 53 to Surah Ibrahim ayah 52.

Beginning of the Thirteenth Juz

When a severe drought struck Egypt and the surrounding areas, Egypt had no shortage of grains because Hadhrat ‘Yusuf had already proposed to the king that they should keep grains in store from the previous year’s harvest.

Therefore, people from the neighboring areas began to flock to Egypt for food. Among those who arrived in Egypt were the brothers of Hadhrat Yusuf. Although they failed to recognise him, he recognized them and returned their money to them without their knowledge. He also insisted that they bring their youngest brother along on the next trip.

When they arrived home and found that their money was returned to them they said, “Oh our father! What more can we want? Here are our funds returned to us‑ (verse 65).

On the next trip they took their youngest brother along with them. As they started to return home, Hadhrat Yusuf detained his youngest brother in Egypt on some pretext.

Hadhrat Yaqûb turned blind because of excessive weeping over his lost child. Allâh says, “His eyes turned white with sorrow.” (verse 84)

When the brothers returned to Egypt for the third time and Hadhrat Yusuf informed them about who he was, they cast their gazes down in embarrassment and regret. Hadhrat Yusuf told them, “The fact is that whoever adopts Taqwa and is patient (through adversities), then Allâh surely does not put to waste the reward of those who do good.” (verse 90)

When the brothers begged his forgiveness, Hadhrat Yusuf Alayhis Salâm displayed exemplary character and put them as ease by saying, “There shall be no reproach on you today. May Allâh forgive you. He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.” (verse 92)

Upon the request of Hadhrat Yusuf Hadhrat Yaqûb and his entire family arrived in Egypt. When the family was reunited, they all fell in prostration before Hadhrat Yusuf Thus, the dream he saw in his youth was realised.

At the end of Sûrah Yusuf, Allâh states that there are great lessons in the narratives of the Ambiyâ for people of understanding. Allâh says, “In their narratives there is certainly a lesson for people of intelligence.

This Qur’ân is not a fabricated tale, but a confirmation to all the scriptures before it, a detailed explanation of all things, a guidance and a mercy for the believing folk.” (verse 111)
[8:25PM, 6/8/2017] Misbah: Sûrah Ra’d follows Sûrah Yusuf. This Sûrah establishes the truth of the Qur’ân, of Tauhîd, Risâlah and Qiyâmah. It also provides details concerning resurrection.

Allâh warns the Kuffâr of severe punishment in the Âkhirâh, but also states that He overlooks many sins for which He could well punish people.

Allâh makes it clear that He is Aware of everything that man does and even has knowledge of what changes take place in the womb of an expectant mother.
Allâh also emphasises: “Undoubtedly Allâh does not change the condition of a nation until they change the condition within themselves” (verse 11).

Allâh has never changed the conditions affecting any nation until they made an attempt to change their behaviour.

Furthermore, Allâh exhorts man to ward off sins by carrying out good acts because the bounties of the Âkhirâh have been made for the Mu’minîn.

May Allâh grant us the capacity to bring a revolution within our lifestyles and make us the means of effecting a favourable change to our surroundings. 
May Allâh also grant us the guidance to carry out good acts to attain the eternal bliss of Jannah.


Allâh declares, “Due to their evil acts, some calamity will always afflict the disbelievers, or descend close to their homes until Allâh’s promise (Qiyâmah) comes.” (Sûrah Ra’d, verse 31).

Allâh also mentions that although the Kuffâr are continuously plotting, the final decision in any matter always rests with Allâh.
Allâh is Aware of whatever they do and will take them to task for their evil actions.
[8:25PM, 6/8/2017] Misbah: Sûrah Ibrahîm follows Sûrah Ra’d. This Sûrah also begins with mention of the Qur’ân. Allâh says, “This is the Book that We revealed to you to remove people from the multitude of darkness, taking them towards light, by the command of your Rabb to the path of The Mighty, The One Worthy of praise.

The Sûrah proceeds to establish the Prophethood of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam after which belief in Tauhîd is discussed.

To emphasise the concept of Tawhîd Allâh cites the incidents of Hadhrat Mûsa and Hadhrat Ibrahîm .
The Sûrah also condemns kufr and shirk by means of examples.

Allâh quotes the du’â of Hadhrat Ibrahîm in this Sûrah when he supplicated to Allâh saying, “O our Rabb! I have settled my children in a valley that cannot be cultivated, close to Your sacred house. Oh our Rabb! So that they establish Salâh, so cause some hearts of people to be inclined towards them. And provide for them fruits for their sustenance so that they may be grateful. Oh our Rabb! Indeed You know what we conceal and what we disclose. Nothing in the heavens and the earth is hidden from Allâh’ (verse 37/8).

The du’âs of Hadhrat Ibrahîm teach us to include Allâh’s praises in our du’âs so that they are more readily accepted.

After discussing the incident of Hadhrat Ibrahîm Allâh urges the people of Makkah to learn a lesson from the narratives of the previous nations.

The Sûrah warns people of the terrible punishment of the Day of Qiyâmah for those who reject the truth and stubbornly oppose it.

At the end Allâh says, “This (Qur’ân) is a message for people so that they are warned by it and so that they know that He is but One deity; and so that the intelligent ones take heed from it.’ (verse 52).

Click here to read Juz 14