February 19, 2025

Juz 5

 Summary of JUZ -5

This summary, of the fifth Juz commences at the Ayah 24 of Sûrah Nisâ and concludes at the end of the fifth Juz (verse 147 of Sûrah Nisâ).

Beginning of Fifth Juz

The laws pertaining to marriage and dowry are discussed. Allâh enumerates all those women whom a person cannot marry, as well as those whom he is allowed to marry.

Allâh also states that the stipulated dowry may be increased or decreased after marriage with the mutual consent of the couple.

While it is permissible to take a profit from a mutually agreed contract of sale, extortion and oppression are forbidden in all circumstances. 
Jahannam will be the punishment for committing these grave sins. When a person abstains from major sins and carries out good acts, his minor sins are forgiven.

Allâh also says that a wife may be disciplined if she is disobedient and cannot be controlled. However, it is a grave sin to search for her faults so that she can be disciplined.
If discord creeps into marriage and the couple cannot reconcile by themselves, an arbiter should be appointed to settle the matter.

Furthermore, Allâh states that a humiliating punishment will seize people who are miserly and ungrateful.

With regard to the laws Salâh, Allâh mentions that Salâh may not be performed in a state of impurity and in a state of intoxication. It is a major sin to perform Salâh in any of these conditions.

If water is not available for wudhu  or for a bath, a person may purify himself for Salâh by making Tayammum.

Allâh exhorts Muslims to return to the rightful owners the trusts of others that they have in their possession, and that they should abstain from oppression and treachery.

Allâh also commands the Mu’minîn to wage jihâd, emphasising that martyrdom is an exalted position and that fear for death is an act of cowardice.

Man is told in this part of Sûrah Nisâ that testimony should be given truthfully and in unambiguous terms even though it may have adverse repercussions on oneself or on one’s family members.

Another statement of extreme importance is the verse where Allâh declares that although He may forgive any sin, He will never forgive the act of shirk.
[10:32PM, 6/1/2017] Misbah: Main points of dis juzz…

1. This Surah focuses on what people have been fighting for for centuries and that on women’s rights. It changes how people perceive women and it does that 1400 years ago, when women were looked upon as commodities, abused, and didn’t have a high social status within the society. 

2. This Surah made it clear that women are honourable in the society and not to be taken advantage of. 

3. Hence, within this Juz, Allah touches upon how to maintain domestic affairs and moving on to communal affairs. Allah teaches us how to be just individuals even at the expense of our own benefit, making sure that justice comes first at all times. 

Domestic Affairs

1. Allah explains the structure of the Muslim family. In the family, Allah made the men the supervisors of the home. They are managers over the women, not dictators.

2. Allah gave them that position due to the virtue that Allah has extended to them and the financial responsibilities that they have towards the women. The women don’t have any financial responsibilities towards the men but the men have every form of financial responsibilities towards the women.

3. So Allah has given the men the responsibility of managing the affairs of the house with kindness. 

4. If there are problems in the relationship, Allah shows us what disciplinary measures we should adopt. This must be understood correctly and within context. Otherwise, people will display an ugly image of Islam that wasn’t intended to be so in the first place.

5. The disciplinary measures are – in the order of occurence –
a. counsel her, if that doesn’t work then
b. separate the bedding from her (to show disapproval of certain actions), if that doesn’t work then
c. strike her.

Step c needs to be understood correctly and to do so we must go to the teachings of the Prophet because hiis Sunna explains the Quran. When talking about this verse and in particular about the striking of the wife, he said that the man must do so in a fashion that will not cause any injury whatsoever. Not even a scratch is suppose to come upon them. 

Step c is the last step in the disciplinary procedures. If step a and b are done properly, there is really no need to resort to the last step. The Prophet never had to resort to the last step with his wives. The Prophet never raised his hand to a woman, any woman.
[10:32PM, 6/1/2017] Misbah: Communal and Spiritual Affairs

1. We worship Allah alone.
2. We are good to our parents.
3. We are good to our close relatives.
4. We are good to our neighbours.
5. We are good to the travelers.
6. We are good to the poor.

We extend goodness to them. Allah doesn’t like people who are arrogant. If we are humble, Allah will raise us.


1. To maintain social stability, justice must be served at all times. 

2. Allah tells us to establish justice for His sake, even if it costs us our own welfare. If we’ve done something wrong, do not justify it or cover it up. If we have done injustice, we need to own up to it and take the heat.

3. There may be short term repercussions for it, but there will be long term benefits from it. If we want to run away from short term repercussions and gain short term benefit, then we will experience long term repercussions. 

4. Fix the problem and learn from mistakes. 

5. Polygamy is allowed in Islam, but this practice wasn’t introduced by Islam. It’s regulated by Islam.

6. We will not do proper justice to all the women we want to marry even if we’re eager. So Allah says not to be inclined to one and leave the other(s) suspended. 

7. If you are afraid of being unjust, then marry just one. 

8. Islam is not promoting polygamy, but it’s regulating it so that justice is served for all.

Click here to read Juz 6