January 21, 2025

Juz 29

Summary of Juz 29

The 29th Juz includes Sûrahs Mulk, Qalam, Haqqah, Ma’ârij, Nûh, Jinn, Muzzammil, Muddathir, Qiyâmah, Insân and Mursalâh.

Allâh says in Sûrah Mulk that there is none to replace His innumerable bounties if He should ever snatch them away from people.
People should therefore trust only in Allâh because He has created both life and death and only He controls them.

Sûrah Qalam makes it clear that the character of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam is the highest in calibre. Allâh also instructs Rasulullâh is to exercise patience and not to supplicate to Allâh in anger, as Hadhrat Yunus did.
The Sûrah also warns the Kuffâr about the punishment they stand to face in this world as well as in the Âkhirâh.

A startling description of Qiyâmah is given in Sûrah Hâqa, where Allâh also speaks of the punishment that the Kuffâr will receive and the rewards that will accrue to the pious.

Allâh concludes the Sûrah by stating that the Qur’ân is definitely a revelation from Allâh and neither a composition of a poet nor the ramblings of a fortune‑teller.

In Sûrah Ma’ârij, Allâh says that man is a weak creature who becomes perplexed when facing any adversity and miserly when enjoying good fortune. Allâh warns all miserly people who hoard their wealth that they should beware of the terrible fire of Jahannam which will strip off their skins.

Sûrah Nûh recounts the story of Hadhrat Nûh who tirelessly preached to his people for a long time. However, the wretched people refused to accept his message and relentlessly opposed him. Frustrated by their stubborn * attitude, Hadhrat Nûh eventually prayed to Allâh to destroy them. As a result of this, they were drowned in a deluge which spared only the Mu’minîn with Hadhrat Nûh in the ark.

Sûrah Jinn speaks of the praises that some Jinn expressed about the Qur’ân when they heard Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam reciting it.
They believed in the Qur’ân and attested to Allâh’s oneness. The Sûrah also makes it clear that only Allâh possesses knowledge of the unseen. Of course, Allâh does impart a bit of this knowledge to His Ambiyâ by means of divine revelation.

In Sûrah Muzzammil Allâh addresses Rasulullâh as the one who is shrouded in a blanket. Allâh commands Rasulullâh to‑stand in Salâh for half the night or less, and to recite the Qur’ân in slow measured tones. Worshipping Allâh during the night is an effective means of purifying the soul and readily accepted by Allâh.

Allâh also encourages zakâh and spending in charity because any good act will be of tremendous benefit in the Âkhirâh.

With a different word Muddathir, Allâh again addresses Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam one shrouded in a blanket. Allâh commands Rasulullâh to propagate Islâm and to hymn the praises of Allâh’s glory and grandeur. Allâh also commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam to abstain from all impurities and to behave kindly towards people without expecting anything in return.

As in many previous Sûrahs, Allâh urges Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam to patiently endure the harassment of the Kuffâr without retaliation.
The Sûrah also stresses that the Qur’ân is a book of guidance that will benefit those people whom Allâh leads aright.

In Sûrah Qiyâmah, Allâh instructs Rasulullâh that he should not exert himself to repeat immediately the words of revelation when it is revealed to him. He was to listen attentively, after which Allâh would ensure that he remembered everything.

Allâh says in Sûrah Dahar  known as Surah Al Insaan, that He instilled the capacity to discern between right and wrong in every person. Man therefore has the choice either to be grateful to Allâh or to be ungrateful. However, the ungrateful will have to suffer punishment for their ingratitude while the grateful will be immensely rewarded with the eternal bliss of Jannah. Allâh lauds the Mu’minîn who, despite their own need, assist the needy without expecting remuneration or even a word of thanks in return.

The Juz concludes with Sûrah Mursalâh, which confirms that Qiyâmah will definitely take place. It will be a day when Allâh’s judgement will be decisive and binding. Whoever wishes to be obedient shall be such. On the other hand, those people whose evil acts have surrounded them shall remain rebellious and will have to face the punishment for their acts.

Click here to read Juz 30