March 14, 2025

Answer 8

In the history of Islam, Name the cradle/just born babies who spoke to people and it is the biggest miracle of Allah..

As per hadith there were four.

Name them?


Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: Four infants spoke: ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him), the companion of Jurayj, the witness of Yoosuf and the son of the hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter.

Narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (1/309), al-Tabaraani (12280), Ibn Hibbaan (2903) and al-Haakim (2/496).

Al-Dhahabi said in al-‘Aluw (84): This hadeeth has a hasan isnaad. Ibn Katheer said in al-Tafseer(3/15): There is nothing wrong with its isnaad.  Its isnaad was classed as saheeh by the scholar Ahmad Shaakir in his commentary on al-Musnad (4/295). Al-Arna’oot said in Takhreej al-Musnad (5/30-31, no. 2821): Its isnaad is hasan.

Thus it is clear that this story is saheeh and is proven from our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and it is not taken from Jewish or Christian sources


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