March 15, 2025


 Summary of JUZ -17

This summary of the seventeenth juzz covers Surah Al Ambiya Ayah 1 to Surah Al Hajj Ayah 78.

Beginning of the Seventeeth Juz

In this Juz, two entire chapters: al-Anbiya (Prophets) and al-Hajj (Pilgrimage). Revealed in Makkah, al-Anbiya deals with issues of faith concentrating on three areas which are Tawhid (Divine Unity), Allah’s message and the resurrection. Using the story of Ibrahim (Abraham) once again as a guiding example, this chapter teaches us that evil will try to take us away from the path of higher virtue but for those who struggle on that path, it is no other than Allah who will aid them on it. The reader’s attention is drawn to the unity of laws that govern Allah’s creation, which in turn is evidence of Allah’s Oneness; the unity of the message and faith is further reflected in the lives of all the Prophets. The chapter closes by reminding us of the Last Day. In the following chapter, we learn more about Tawhid, the resurrection, repudiating pagan beliefs and the Signs of Allah in His creation. The believers are instructed to fight in the Way of Allah if it is truth we are defending. The chapter flows with themes that invigorate faith, piety and surrender to Allah.

The next Sûrah is Sûrah Ambiyâ, which derives its name from the fact that it mentions a series of Ambiyâ. The Sûrah also cautions people against being negligent about Qiyâmah and the reckoning on that day. 
Allâh mentions that the Qur’ân contains every type of advice and explanation for mankind. Men therefore have a choice before them and should anticipate the consequences of their acts.

None can ever save himself from Allâh’s punishment when it comes, and people will be foolish to pin their hopes in their fabricated gods. People will be called to account for every minute act- even an act the size of a mustard seed will be weighed in the scale of acts. Allâh’s judgement on the Day of Qiyâmah will be final and binding.

May Allâh grant us all the Taufîq to do good acts.


In the remaining verses of Sûrah Ambiyâ, Allâh discusses the various Ambiyâ from Hadhrat Ibrahîm Alayhis Salâm to Hadhrat Îsa Alayhis Salâm. Thereafter, Allâh says about Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam, “We have sent you as a mercy to the universe.” (verse 107).

The next verse declares Tauhîd when Allâh instructs Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam to “Say, ‘It has been revealed to me that your deity is but One Deity. So will you submit to this?”

Sûrah Haj follows Sûrah Ambiyâ and opens with a reminder of Qiyâmah. Allâh says, “Oh people! Fear your Rabb. The earthquake of Qiyâmah is a tremendous thing indeed. The day when you will witness it, every nursing mother will forget her suckling infant and every pregnant woman will abort (because of intense fear). And you will see people in a drunken stupor whereas they will not be drunk, but Allâh’s punishment is severe.” (verses 1 and 2)

Allâh also cautions those Mu’minîn whose faith is weak that they should make a concerted effort to strengthen their Imân and carry out good acts so that the welfare of their lives in this world and in the Âkhirâh is not jeopardised.

Allâh says that it was Hadhrat Ibrahîm who termed this Ummah as Muslimeen.

Allâh also mentions the Ka’bah and instructs man to “perform tawâf around the ‘Baitul Atîq’ (the Ka’bah).” (verse 29)

Thereafter, certain rites of Haj are mentioned, about which Allâh states, “And whoever honours Allâh’s signs, then this is due to the Taqwa of hearts (verse 32).
With regard to sacrificial animals on the occasion of Haj Allâh says, “Their flesh and blood will never reach Allâh, but it is your Taqwa that will reach Him” (verse 37).
[Ayats 47-48] Allah tells Prophet Muhammad , “These people are demanding of you to hasten the chastisement.Allah will never fail to fulfill His threat, but a day with your Lord is equal to a thousand years as you reckon.There has been many a wicked habitation, whom at first I gave respite and then seized it, and all shall have to return to Me.
[Ayats 49-51] O, Muhammad, say to them: “O people, I am merely a warner who informs you plainly (of the coming evil time).” So those who believe and do righteous deeds shall have forgiveness and honorable provision, and those, who will strive to discredit Our Revelations, shall become the dwellers of Hell.
Ayats 52-54] Allah says And, O Muhammad, (it has always been so with) every Messenger and Prophet We sent before you that whenever he had a desire, Satan tried to interfere with his desire.But Allah eradicates the mischiefs worked by Satan and confirms His Revelations, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise, (He allows this) so that He may make Satan’s obstacles a trial for those, whose hearts suffer from the disease (of hypocrisy) and whose hearts are false–the fact is that these unjust people have gone far away in their enmity-and so that those who have knowledge may realize that this (Message) is the Truth from Allah and may believe in it, and their hearts may submit humbly to it. Most surely Allah always guides the Believers to the Straight Way

Allâh concludes Sûrah Hajj with the following message to the Muslims: “Oh you who believe, bow, prostrate, worship your Rabb and carry out good acts so that you may be successful. Strive for Allâh with the endeavour that is His right. He has chosen you and has not placed any hardship upon in religion. Follow the creed of your father, Ibrahîm. It was he who named you Muslims from before and in this Qur’ân, so that the Nabî’ be a witness over you people, and that you be witnesses over mankind. So establish Salâh, pay zakâh and hold fast to (the rope of) Allâh. He is your Protecting Friend. The Best Protecting Friend and the Best Helper” (verses 77/8).

End of the Seventeeth Juz

*What do we learn from Juzz 17*

• Al-Anbiya’ begins by warning man about the resurrection, affirming that it will actually happen, and that it has drawn close. Have you prepared for it? 
• Tawhid is established and evidenced using rational and empirical arguments; 
• The story of Ibrahim breaking the idols, this is great lesson in tawakkul (having trust in Allah); 
• The chapter ends by making a call to Tawhid; 
• Al-Hajj begins by planting the fear of the Last Day into the hearts of men, and warning them against following Satan; 
• Allah refutes those who reject the resurrection by drawing their attention to the very creation of man, and the revival of the earth after its death; 
• The story of how the Hajj was made obligatory on Ibrahim, and some of its obligations and recommendations; 
• The Muhajirin (Companions who migrated from Makkah) are given permission to fight oppression having been driven away from their homes; 
• The parable of the fly; 
• The chapter ends by making a call to Jihad, and reminding us to hold fast to Allah;

*Historical Background of the Surah n Revelations:* 
*Subject Matter and Theme*

This Surah is addressed to: (1) The mushriks of Makkah, (2) the wavering Muslims, and (3) the True Believers. The mushriks have been warned in a forceful manner to this effect: “You have obdurately and impudently persisted in your ideas of ignorance and trusted in your deities instead of Allah, though they possess no power at all and you have repudiated the Divine Messenger. Now you will meet the same end as has been the doom of those like you before. You have only harmed yourselves by rejecting Our Prophet Muhammad  and by persecuting the best element of your own community; now your false deities shall not be able to save you from the wrath of God”. At the same time, they have been admonished time and again for their creed of shirk and sound arguments have been given in favor of Tauhid and the Hereafter.

The wavering Muslims, who had embraced Islam but were not prepared to endure any hardship in its way, have been admonished to this effect: “What is this faith of yours? On the one hand, you are ready to believe in Allah and become His servants provided you are given peace and prosperity but, on the other, if you meet with afflictions and hardships in His Way, you discard your Allah and cease to remain His servant. You should bear in mind that this wavering attitude of yours cannot avert those misfortunes and losses which Allah has ordained for you.”

As regards the true Believers, they have been addressed in two ways: (1) in a general way so as to include the common people of Arabia also, and (2) in an exclusive way:

The Believers have been told that the mushriks of Makkah had no right to debar them from visiting the Holy Mosque. They had no right to prevent anyone from performing Hajj because the Holy Mosque was not their private property. This objection was not only justified but it also acted as an effective political weapon against the Quraish. For it posed this question to the other clans of Arabia: Were the Quraish mere attendants of the Holy Mosque or its owners? It implied that if they succeeded in debarring the Muslims from Hajj without any protest from others, they would feel encouraged in future to debar from Hajj and Umrah the people of any other clan, who happened to have strained relations with the Quraish. In order to emphasize this point, the history of the construction of the Holy Mosque has been cited to show that it was built by Prophet Ebrahim by the Command of Allah and he had invited all the peoples to perform Hajj there. That is why those coming from outside had enjoyed equal rights by the local people from the very beginning. It has also been made clear that that House had not been built for the rituals of shirk but for the worship of One Allah. Thus it was sheer tyranny that the worship of Allah was being forbidden there while the worship of idols enjoyed full license.
In order to counteract the tyranny of the Quraish, the Muslims were allowed to fight with them. They were also given instructions to adopt the right and just attitude as and when they acquired power to rule in the land. Moreover, the Believers have been officially given the name of “Muslims”, saying, “You are the real heirs to Ebrahim and you have been chosen to become witnesses of the Truth before mankind. Therefore you should establish salat and pay the zakat dues in order to become the best models of righteous life and perform Jihad for propagating the Word of Allah.” (vv. 41,77, 78.)

It will be worth while to keep in view the introductions to Chapters II (Al-Baqarah) and VIII (Al Anfal).

Click here to read Juz-18