March 14, 2025

Juz 11

Summary of JUZ-11

This summary of the eleventh juzz covers Surah At Tauba ayah 94 to Surah Hud ayah 5.

Beginning of the Eleventh Juz.

The ending of the tenth Juz dealt with those Munâfiqîn who concocted excuses to evade conscription into the Muslim army. There were also many proud Munâfiqîn who saw no need to excuse themselves.

The opening verse of the Juz (verse 94 of Sûrah Taubah) refers to those Munâfiqîn who came to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam after the Battle of Tabûk.

Addressing Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam Allâh says, “They will make excuses to you when you return to them. Tell them, ‘Do not make excuses, we shall never believe you. Allâh has already informed us about your condition…'” (verse 94)

Allâh speaks about people who regard zakâh as a burden on their shoulders. Allâh says, “Of the villagers are those who consider what they spend as a tax and they await the ill‑fortunes of fate to befall you. May the ill fortunes befall them! Allâh is All Hearing, All Knowing. (verse 98)

After discussing the Munâfiqîn, Allâh speaks about the Mu’minîn in verse 100 when He says, “The first to lead the way, from the Muhajirîn, the Ansâr, and those who followed them with sincerity; Allâh is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them such gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide forever. This is the ultimate success.”

Thereafter, Allâh speaks about the Masjid of harm (Masjid Dirâr), the underlying purpose of which the Munâfiqîn built to promote hypocrisy among the Muslims. Allâh condemned its construction and the Muslims destroyed it.

The subsequent verses make reference to the three Sahabah & who failed to participate in the expedition to Tabûk. They were boycotted for fifty days before Allâh announced the acceptance of their Taubah in this Sûrah.

Sûrah Yunus follows Sûrah Taubah. 
Sûrah Yunus also discusses the three fundamental issues of:
? Tauhîd [Oneness of Allâh], 
?Risâlah [the Prophethood of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam] 
?Âkhirâh [the Hereafter].

Attention is drawn to these beliefs by using occurrences and quoting momentous historical reports which serve to entrench these beliefs into the mind.

Therefore, Allâh commences the Sûrah by stating, “These are the verses of the wise Book. Are people surprised that We sent revelation to a man from among them?” Those who respond to the message of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam will be guided to salvation, whereas those who reject will be doomed to destruction and will not be saved by anyone’s intercession.

Allâh then proceeds to warn people of Jahannam and convey the glad tidings of Jannah to the Mu’minîn.

In verse 12 Allâh speaks about ungrateful people when He says, “When any adversity afflicts man, he supplicates to Us lying down, sitting or standing. When We avert the adversity from him, he continues as if he has never supplicated to Us for the adversity that afflicted him.”

Allâh then relates the incidents of various Ambiyâ like Hadhrat Nûh, Hadhrat Mûsa and Hadhrat Yunus Alayhimus Salâm. In narrating these, Allâh impresses on man not to make the same  mistakes that the people of these Ambiyâ made.

At the end of the Sûrah Allâh declares, “Say, O people! Certainly the truth has come to you from your Rabb. So whoever will be guided shall only receive guidance for himself (for his own benefit). Whoever will go astray shall only go astray to own detriment. I have not been commissioned over you. Follow what has been revealed to you and persevere until Allâh passes decision. He is the Best of the deciders.” (verses 108-9)

Click here to read Juz 12