March 16, 2025


 Summary of JUZ – 18

This summary of the Eighteenth Juzz covers Surah Mu’minun ayah 1 to Surah Al Furqaan Ayah 20.

Beginning of the Eighteenth Juz

These concluding words of Sûrah Haj draw the seventeenth Juz to a close and open Sûrah Mu’minûn.

At the beginning of Sûrah Mu’minûn, Allâh describes those Mu’minîn whose beliefs are correct, who worship Allâh diligently and are also particular about fulfilling the rights of others.

In describing the qualities of the Mu’minîn, 
Allâh exhorts all the Mu’minîn that they should sincerely worship Him, fulfil the promises and pledges they make with others and abstain from all acts of lechery. These are among the acts that will lead to eternal success.

After discussing the qualities of the Mu’minîn, Allâh discusses the signs that denote His greatness and His oneness. Among these signs, Allâh mentions the creation of man, the creation of the heavens and the earth, as well as the various plants and animals together with the milk that Allâh produces from their bellies. All these blessings denote Allâh’s all encompassing mercy and compassion towards His creation, which should spur man to accept the belief of Tauhîd.

Allâh then cites the incident of Hadhrat Nûh Alayhis Salâm so that people may learn that success lies in following the teachings of Allâh’s Ambiyâ.
Allâh also urges the Mu’minîn not to destroy their acts by being proud and that their hearts should always be apprehensive of returning to Allâh for reckoning.

Further describing the qualities of the Mu’minîn Allâh says, “These people hasten to perform good acts and are the forerunners in this.” (verse 61)

Allâh states an important rule when He says, “We do not burden any soul more than it can bear” (verse 62).
Allâh also tells Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam that the Kuffâr will never cease to oppose him until their deaths, when they will regret their ways. However, then it will be too late.

The 24th Sûrah of the Qur’ân, Sûrah Nûr, commences after Sûrah Mu’minûn and contains verses that are pertinent to the morality of society.

A gist of the Sûrah is contained in the following twelve points:
?1.  A hundred lashes are to be given to any unmarried man or woman guilty of fornication.
?2.  Men and women guilty of fornication should be ostracised from society and none should marry them.
?3.   Eighty lashes should be metered out to anyone who accuses another of adultery or fornication without the required proof.
?4.   If a husband or a wife accuses their partner of adultery, each should take four oaths in Allâh’s name that s/he is truthful and that the other is lying. A fifth oath should then be taken by each of them invoking Allâh’s on curse him/her if s/he is lying.
?5.   “Unchaste women are for unchaste men and unchaste men are for unchaste women. Pure women are for pure men and pure men are for pure women. These people are innocent of what the slanderers say. Theirs is forgiveness and a bounteous reward.” (verse 26)
?6.   An accused person will be regarded as innocent until proven guilty.
?7.   Never enter another person’s home without permission.
?8.   Men and women should neither stare at each other nor steal secretive glances at each other.
?9.  Women must never display their charms before men who are not close family members (Mahram).
?10.  Islâm does not approve of spending one’s life as a bachelor or a spinster.
?11.  During times of privacy, not even children are allowed to enter any person’s room without permission.
?12.  When the blind or paralysed eat from the homes of relatives without permission, it will not be regarded as theft.
[8:37AM, 6/13/2017] Asim Saudagar: Allâh also discusses the incident of the slander against Hadhrat Â’isha Radiallâhu anha. 
In Sûrah Nûr Allâh refutes the allegation of adultery that the Munâfiqîn attributed to Hadhrat Â’isha Radiallâhu anhu and warned the Mu’minîn that they should never accept such rumours in future.

May Allâh grant us all the guidance to practise the teachings of Islâm and refrain from immoral acts, slander, evil glances and all other sins.


Addressing the Mu’minîn in Sûrah Nûr, Allâh says, “O you who believe, do not follow the footsteps of Shaytân. Whoever follows the footsteps of Shaytân, then verily he commands immorality and evil.” (verse 21)

Allâh also mentions, “We have surely revealed clear laws to you, some narratives of those who passed before you, and advice for those who have Taqwa.” (verse 34)

In the next verse Allâh declares, “Allâh is the Light of the heavens and the earth.” A Mu’min is therefore one who will take light from Allâh to guide him through life and who will adhere to the teachings of the Ambiyâ because “those who oppose the messenger’s commands should beware that some calamity or a grievous punishment should afflict them.” (verse 63)

Sûrah Furqân follows Sûrah Nûr. Allâh introduces the Sûrah by stating, “Blessed is the Being Who revealed the Criterion (Qur’ân) upon His bondsman (Rasulullâh Salallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam) so that he may be a warner to the universe (that a severe punishment awaits the person who does not believe).”

Click here to read Juz-19